Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Thankful for Great Books in October

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all of my bookloving Canadian friends!

Though it was a few weeks ago now, I still feel that there is lots to be thankful for. 

We had beautiful weather for the long weekend in October; this weekend I'll be celebrating my one year wedding anniversary with the man that I love and last but not least, this month I read two fantastic books that I highly recommend:

1. This Burns My Heart by Samuel Park 
This novel is a love story set in postwar South Korea and takes place in the growing city of Seoul and the countryside of Daegu. It is a love story about a woman torn between choosing what will make her happy in life or following tradition and doing what is expected of her. Having recently spent a year in South Korea (I can't believe it was two years ago now) where I met my husband I am a bit partial to the country. I love reading about the customs and traditions which the author has captured and make this novel such a good and charming read. 

This Burns My Heart by Samuel Park
 2. The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
 I LOVED this novel! I couldn't put it down. It was one of those books that you wish you had read just a little bit slower. A few people told me about it. It is the story of a young woman who grew up in foster homes and when she becomes a legal adult, she finds her way working as a florist. She uses the language of flowers to express her feelings and her arrangements become much more than just flowers to her customers. Nothing I write could do this book justice.

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Does anyone have any good suggestions for more October reading? I think it is probably time for a good mystery or thriller. Something really scary!