Tuesday, 5 April 2011

If you secretly enjoyed watching The Bachelor then you will love Some Girls: My Life in a Harem

I recently downloaded the first chapter of Some Girls: My Life in a Harem on my Kindle, was hooked then bought and finished the book in just a few days. It is a memoir by Jillian Lauren, mostly about how she went from being an NYU theater school dropout to being paid to spend eighteen months in the harem of Prince Jefri Bolkiah the youngest brother of the Sultan of Brunei.

It is hard to believe that the story is true - but it is. The lavish parties where the girls all fought for the attention of the Prince and the cat fights that regularly took place sounded a lot like the Bachelor's famous parties that took place before the "rose ceremonies"on TV. In both scenarios the "guests" at the party are carefully monitored and contained in over the top accommodations to make the women feel special and pampered. In both scenarios the men are not worthy which is frustrating for the viewer/reader.

The book touches on Jillian Lauren's childhood and growing up adopted into a Jewish family. Her adoptive father was verbally abusive but loving and her mother was also loving but was weak and didn't stand up to her husband. She later tries to find out more about her birth parents.

What I liked about the book is that the author is brutally honest and admits to needing to be the chosen one at the palace parties and also to enjoying the money. The epic shopping trips alone would make me question my own morals. But she doesn't make excuses for her decisions even though she was only eighteen at the time, and allowed herself to be exploited by those who prey on pretty young women.
The book is available in paperback and is a good and easy read.