Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Misery Loves Mystery

I've always been a big fan of mystery novels. Lately I've been buying more of them than usual - even for me. It probably has something to do with the miserable weather in Toronto. It has not stopped raining since March and in the meantime I seem to have purchased enough mysteries to last until next May. The good news is that this type of weather totally sets the mood for curling up with a cup of hot tea and and a mystery novel.
Here's the list I've been working on:
It is very scary, and if you like the TV show "Criminal Minds" then you will enjoy. I also really liked his first novel,The Sculptor. Terrifying.
I had not read one of hers in a long time! At first I thought I was really clever and had figured the whole thing out. I was proven wrong and there were some good twists and turns. 

I've downloaded this one, it sounded good. Still too early too tell. I read about it on LesleysBookNook.
I recently finished this one which I had mentioned in an earlier blog post. There were some really good twists and turns and I read it quite quickly.

I finished this one around a month ago. Lisa Gardner is one of my favourites. Again, I thought I had it all figured out but this was not the case.

Thanks to Bonnie in Mississipi for mentioning this author on the Booklover's Blog TorontoFacebook Page . Her new book sounds really good.

And for anyone out there who loves a good mystery, Joy Fielding is one of the best.

Does anyone else have any good suggestions? It doesn't look like this rain is going to go away anytime soon. . .

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